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Outreach & Advocacy

I advocate for Organisations and Causes whose aim is to create equitable inclusive societies and Sustainable, regenerative, healthy global Living systems.


Holistically I am advocating Humanity's collective shift away from oppressive, exploitative, extractive interactions towards stewardship, social justice and unity.

Focus on Men / Non Violent Gender


Inner Peace & Outer Peace





- Building relationship with the Ocean


- KotR Freediving Coach - BZS (With I Am Water & Aqua Souls)

Baba Dioum — 'In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what weunderstand and we will understand only what we are taught.'




Action Sport for Social Development

- Building Community & Social Ownership, Citizenry

- Youth Inclusion

Multigenerational relationship building

- Placemaking & Placebuilding



Building relationship with PLACES - PLACEMAKING & Youth Culture - Actions Sports Social Development


- continues on for me

- Tag ASDP & Holly in Urban Ballet


Put message at the end: Support all artistic expression




- Building relationship with Culture and History

    - SIE

- Treasures of the Triangle

- Rockfire Productions offerings (Rockfire itself was a social enterprise, and in addition as Creative Director I devised stories customised to Bermuda’s cultural heritage - connecting history with contemporary culture and choreography and arts… new unprecedented.

Focus on anti prejudice

Focus on Environment & Sustainable Ecology


Let’s treat violence like a disease. physical, structural, cultural - various types of cancers that are tearing away at society and have spread to the natural world. Colonialism is based on oppression, exploitation, extraction, destruction and all wars and conflicts are directly tied to past and present colonisation… mass extinction events etc.





Peace building is the process of

My goal is positive peace


I use

Meanwhile, story comms


I use it to educate inform engage.



Positive social transformation nonviolent is the goal, so action is essential.


Designing and implementing peocts which empower individuals. Community society with the means to take action for rights and social justice.


I very specifically mention ecology bc... healthy global living systems. Historically humans...extract and exploit. Not only is it not sustainable it is harmful to the planet and all living systems on it...



For context activites may include

Look at my portfolio for examples of...

Case studies, interventions


Intervention is needed to move from extraction,  life on earth must change and we have the tech and innovation to do time to create incentives and remove any unhealthy blockages prevent a healthy vibrant ecosystem.



Join me. See my projects and contact me about collaboration, funding and investments, global social innovation. I am particularly interested in dude projects, ones that diversify unify decolonize empower.



Guidelines - sustainsblexdev goals. In my projects and beyond... a cooperative framework.









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